The sardine is a pelagic fish (that ones who live far away from the coasts) which travel in water layers and is identified as a blue fish because of its fat content. It is in the order of clupeiformes, suborder clupeidae.sardinav

The body is long, not very compressed. The eye has a developed adipose eyelid. The teeth are small and useless. The dorsal fin is nearer to the face than to the caudal fin. It has visible scales with small gills on the inside where the microorganisms get trapped and got eaten.

The dorsal fin is dark grey, blue and silver and lengthwise on the sides it has a blue strip. The belly is white silver. The fins are not colored, except the dorsal fin which is a little bit darkened.

The size is small and long, its size is between 17 and 18 centimeters but there were captured sardines with 20 cm. The length can even reach the 25 cm. Its weight can fluctuate between 50-100 grams, but can reach 200 grams.

Obtaining of the product:

  • Extractive fishing is done with a fishing net. The capture zone is the Northwest Atlantic (FAO 27)

Presentation of the product:

  • Entire fish and refrigerated in water, ice and salt.

It is a small and very valued fish
